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Kortrijk has the allure of a big city with the cosiness of a village. This city is often mentioned in the same breath as the Leie. That river used to be very important for the flax industry in the city. Today it is above all a nice place to enjoy.


Along its banks, in the shadow of the Broel towers, it is wonderful to stay. From there you will discover the city center: an interesting mix of monumental heritage, contemporary architecture and a lot of creativity. The Beguinage and the Belfry, the multimedia museum Kortrijk 1302 and the textile museum Texture reveal the history of the city. To then dive back into the bustling center.

Some ideas for your team building in Kortrijk:

  • Urban hunt

  • Escape room

  • City golf

  • Bicycle

  • Culinary walks

  • Boat trips on the Leie

  • Zen & Wellness workshops

  • Chocolate workshops

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